16.08.16 ~ ANDREW HOLDEN: former Editor-in-Chief of The Age and Friend of New Zealand

WOMANZ are delighted to have Andrew Holden, former Editor-in-Chief of The Age and Friend on New Zealand as our next keynote speaker
Andrew Holden has been a journalist for more than 35 years, including eight years as a daily newspaper editor for two mastheads in difficult times. He was the editor of The Press in Christchurch when the recession arrived even before the GFC, and then led the team through the multiple earthquakes of 2010-11.
Andrew returned to his home town of Melbourne in mid-2012 to become editor-in-chief of The Age, overseeing the transformation of its newsroom from traditional print to modern multi-media, at the same time dealing with the many financial challenges that face mainstream media companies. For his work at The Press, Andrew was made a Friend of New Zealand in the World Class New Zealand Awards of 2013, and thanks to more than a decade spent living in Christchurch, he got most of the jokes in Hunt for the Wilderpeople!
Join us to hear Andrew’s reflections and unique perspectives on the Christchurch quakes and his commentary on the cultural differences between Kiwis and Aussies.
Register by 12 August (cost $15) to enjoy RSM Australia's renowned hospitality, network with other WOMANZ members and be informed and entertained by Andrew.
RSM Australia
5.30 to 8.00PM